Uploading files

Set the maximum upload size limit:

By default, the maximum file size that you can upload equals to the allowed upload size in the file php.ini (check the variable “upload_max_filesize”). The plugin provides the possibility to override the maximum upload size with ease. All you’ll have to do is the followings:

  1. Edit a default file field (e.g. “Featured image”, “Image gallery”, “Image”, “Marker image”, “Audio”) or a new custom field (Display type: “HTML File Upload” and “HTML Multiple File Upload”).
  2. In the field “Max upload size limit in bytes”,  change/specify the maximum allowed upload size limit. Please note that the value must be in bytes!

Please note that this method will allow you to increase or decrease the maximum upload size without the need of editing the php.ini file!

Uploading large files by editing the php.ini file:

You may need to edit your php.ini file to allow uploading large files. For this method you will need to access to your hosting account’s cPanel dashboard and edit the file php.ini. In that file change the following values:

  1. Change the value in “upload_max_filesize” (e.g. “100M”).
  2. Change the value in “post_max_size” to something like “256M”.
  3. Change the value in “max_input_time” to something lik “300” (300 seconds).

You need to contact your hosting provider if you don’t know how to edit in the php.ini file!