In this tutorial, you’ll see how to programmatically add HTML tags after & before the list items excerpt/content.
Edit the file “functions.php” of your theme/child theme and copy/paste the following code:
The default value (empty).
The ID of the post. Use it to get your post data.
The ID of the map.
The current view. List view = listview
. Grid view = gridview
The coordinates of the current post/location.
The URL of the current post/location.
The following example, demonstrates how to add the excerpt inside P tag:
* Open the HTML tag(s) */
function cspml_html_before_excerpt($default, $post_id, $map_id, $listview, $latlng, $permalink){
return '<p>';
add_filter('cspml_before_listing_excerpt', 'cspml_html_before_excerpt', 10, 6);
* Close the HTML tag(s) */
function cspml_html_after_excerpt($default, $post_id, $map_id, $listview, $latlng, $permalink){
return '</p>';
add_filter('cspml_after_listing_excerpt', 'cspml_html_after_excerpt', 10, 6);