To change the display order of the countries, you need to add a special PHP code in the file “functions.php” of your theme/child theme. This task requires some developer skills!
Copy and paste the following code in the file “functions.php” of your theme. The code will change the field “Countries” from a multicheck list to a multiselect & sort field.
* Progress Map WordPress Plugin.
* Change the countries field type to "Multiselect & Sort".
* @since 3.0
add_filter("cspm_countries_field_type", function(){ return true; });
Once you added the code to your theme, do the following:
Edit a map
Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
Click on the menu “Zoom to country”.
In the field “Countries”, remove the countries you don’t want to use by clicking on the “x”. To sort them, drag a country name to the position where you want it to be.
Countries names can be displayed in so many languages. To choose a language, do the following:
Edit a map
Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
Click on the menu “Zoom to country”.
Select a language in the field “Display language”. Note that not all languages in this filed are available! If a language is not available, English will be used instead!
The plugin provides the possibility to navigate through countries with ease. This feature will add a dropdown list in your map with all countries so that when you select a country in the list, the map will be draged or zoomed to that country’s center point. You can choose to display all or just specific countries. To activate this functionality in your site, do the following:
Edit a map
Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
Click on the menu “Zooming to countries”.
Select the option “Yes” in the field “Zoom to country option”.
In the field “Countries list display status”, choose whether to open the countries dropdown list once the map is loaded or not.
In the field “Country bounds”, choose how to show a country when the user chooses one in the list. The option “Show whole country” will display the whole country, the option “Zoom to country center” will zoom the map to the center point of that country.
If you’ve selected the option “Country bounds => Zoom to country center”, you may want to choose a different zoom level to use when displaying the contry’s center point. Modify the zoom level in the field “Map zoom”.
To change the countries list placeholder, change the text in the field “Dropdown list placeholder”.