Show locations based on a keyword search

In this tutorial, you’ll see how you can display locations on the map based on a keyword. For example, you can display the map on your custom search page which contains a text field for users to search by keyword.

For this, we will make use of the predefined variable $_GET.

Edit the file “functions.php” of your theme/child theme and copy/paste the code below:

function cspm_keyword_search($query_args){

      $query_args = array(         
         's' => sanitize_text_field($_GET['keyword']),

   return $query_args;

add_filter('cs_progress_map_main_query', 'cspm_keyword_search', 10, 1);

The above code should work with any page in your theme. The URL should be something like

If you want to display the map in the default WP search page of your theme/child theme, use this code instead:

function cspm_keyword_search($query_args){

      $query_args = array(
         's' => get_query_var('s'),

   return $query_args;

add_filter('cs_progress_map_main_query', 'cspm_keyword_search', 10, 1);

The above code should work with default search page of your theme. The URL should be something like

In the same context