In this tutorial, you’ll see how to use the marker click event to redirect/open the single post page.
Edit the file “functions.php” of your theme/child theme and copy/paste the following code in it:
* Redirect to single post on marker click
function cspm_redirect_on_marker_click_event($default, $map_id){
$output = "
exec: {
name: 'marker',
all: true,
func: function(data){
var marker = data.object;
var post_id = marker.post_id;
var post_link = progress_map_vars.links_".$map_id."[post_id];
marker.addListener('click', function(){;
echo $output;
add_filter('cspm_after_map_load', 'cspm_redirect_on_marker_click_event', 10, 2);
In the same context
- Open the single post page inside a modal
- Center the map on a specific marker when the page loads and trigger the marker’s event
- Programmatically change single map language based on the URL’s language attribute
- Synchronize the ACF map field with the map fields in “Progress Map”
- Set the zIndex of a specific marker
- Replace/override your map query settings to showcase diverse locations on any page
- Show locations based on a keyword search
- Display “Progress Map” metabox on “Envira Gallery” add/edit page
- How to add custom class names to the infoboxes
- How to add “Read More” link to the infobox content
- Programmatically change the content of the carousel items
- Programmatically change the content of the infobox
- Programmatically change the title of the infobox
- Make the plugin GDPR/DSGVO compliance
- Trigger marker events
- Center the map on a specific marker on page load
- Open the locations/posts “Nearby places” map inside a modal
- Insert a map inside a taxonomy page and display locations based on the current taxonomy term
- Use marker popups to display the post ID
- Change the text of the button “Toggle Carousel”
- Use the StreetView image as the carousel items image
- Hide the Points of Interest from the map
- Import/Export your maps between WordPress websites
- Import/Export your map locations between WordPress websites