Hide the Points of Interest from the map

To hide the Points of interest added by “Google Maps” on your map, do the following:

1. From the default map style settings:

  1. Click on the menu “Progress Map”. Wait for the page to load!
  2. Click on the menu “Default map style settings”
  3. In the field “Initial map style”, select the option “Custom style”
  4. In the field “Style option”, select the option “My custom style”
  5. Scroll down to the field “Javascript Style Array” and copy/paste the following code in it:
        "featureType": "poi",
        "stylers": [
            "visibility": "off"

2. From your map style settings:

  1. Edit your map
  2. Click on the menu “Map style settings”
  3. In the field “Initial map style”, select the option “Custom style”
  4. In the field “Style option”, select the option “My custom style”
  5. In the field “Javascript Style Array”, copy/paste the following code in it:
        "featureType": "poi",
        "stylers": [
            "visibility": "off"

In the same context