Center the map on a specific marker when the page loads and trigger the marker’s event

This tutorial will show you how to center the map on a specific marker when the map page loads and, once centered, trigger the marker’s event.

  1. For this to work, you need to add the post_id attribute to the URL. For example, if you’re navigating from your homepage ( to your map page (, you must append the post_id attribute with the actual post ID as its value. In this case, the URL should look like, where 15 represents the real post ID.
  2. Edit the file “functions.php” of your theme/child theme and copy/paste the following code in it:
    function cspm_focus_map_on_marker_with_event($default, $map_id){
    		$post_id = esc_attr($_GET['post_id']);
    		$latitude = get_post_meta($post_id, CSPM_LATITUDE_FIELD, true);
    		$longitude = get_post_meta($post_id, CSPM_LONGITUDE_FIELD, true);
    		$output = "
    			cspm_center_map_at_point(plugin_map, map_id, '".$latitude."', '".$longitude."', 'zoom');
                        exec: {
                            name: 'marker',
                            all: true,
                            func: function(data){
                                    var marker = data.object;
                                    var post_id = ".$post_id.";
                                    if(marker.post_id == post_id){
                                        new google.maps.event.trigger(marker, 'click');
                    }, 500);
    		}, 500);";
    		echo $output;
    add_filter('cspm_after_map_load', 'cspm_focus_map_on_marker_with_event', 10, 2);

The code above uses the “click” event. To use a different event, simply replace 'click' in the code. Be sure to check the list of all available events!

In the same context