Shortcode: [cspm_light_map]

This shortcode will display the map of the current post viewed by the visitor. It’ll automatically detect the current post and display its position on the map. This was introduced in version 3 as a replacement of the v2 shortcode [codespacing_light_map].

The settings of this map can be set from the menus (Progress Map / Default map settings), (Progress Map / Default map style settings) & (Progress Map / Default infobox settings)!

The shortcode [cspm_light_map] supports the following parameters:

post_ids (optional)

One or more post ID to display on the map. If no post ID is available, the map will use the ID of the current post/page where you use this shortcode.

Example 1: [cspm_light_map]

Example 2: [cspm_light_map post_ids="1"]

Example 3: [cspm_light_map post_ids="1,2,3,4,5"]

center_at (optional)

The center point of the map. Enter the Latitude & Longitude of the center point or enter the ID of the post on which the map will be centered.

If multiple post ids were passed to the attribute post_ids and center_at is not defined, the plugin will center the map on the position of the first post in the attribute post_ids.

Example 1: [cspm_light_map center_at="51.510879,-0.117813"]

Example 2: [cspm_light_map post_ids="1,2,3,4,5" center_at="1"]

zoom (optional)

Define the zoom of the map (from 0 to 19).

Example: [cspm_light_map zoom="13"]

show_overlay (optional)

Show/Hide the marker overlays (infoboxes). Possible values are yes (show), no (hide).

Example: [cspm_light_map show_overlay="no"]

width (optional)

The width of the map in pixels or in %.

Example 1: [cspm_light_map width="100%"]

Example 2: [cspm_light_map width="500px"]

height (optional)

The height of the map in pixels or in %

Example 1: [cspm_light_map height="100%"]

Example 2: [cspm_light_map height="500px"]

show_secondary (optional)

Show/Hide the secondary markers added to a post. Possible values ar, yes or no. Defaults to yes.

Example: [cspm_light_map show_secondary="yes"]

map_style (optional)

The skin of the map. To get the style name, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the menu “Progress Map”. Wait for the page to load!
  2. Click on the menu “Default Map style settings”
  3. Click the link “Demo” next to the style you like. A new page/window will open, the URL of that page/window holds the style name as the last attribute. So if the URL looks like, the style name will be apple-maps-esque.

Example: [cspm_light_map map_style="apple-maps-esque"]

initial_map_style (optional)

The initial style of the map. Possible values are ROADMAP, SATELLITETERRAINHYBRIDcustom_style.

Example: [cspm_light_map initial_map_style="TERRAIN"]

infobox_type (optional)

Override the default infobox type. Possible values are, square_bubblerounded_bubblecspm_type1, cspm_type2cspm_type3 and cspm_type4.

Example: [cspm_light_map infobox_type="cspm_type1"]

window_resize (optional)

Detect browser window resize and recenter the map. Possible values are yes and no.

Example: [cspm_light_map window_resize="no"]


Whether to hide the map when the post to display on it doesn’t have coordinates or to show an empty map. Possible values are yes or no. Defaults to yes.

Example: [cspm_light_map hide_empty="no"]


Specify where to open the infobox link. Possible values are same_windownew_window or disable.

Example: [cspm_light_map infobox_link_target="disable"]

In the same context