Make a polyline clickable

Making a polyline clickable means that when a user clicks and/or hovers over it, it’ll execute a request. This request varies depending on the user’s action. If it a click action/event, a link will be opened, if it’s a hover action/event, an infobox will be displayed. To make a polyline clickable, do the following:

  1. Edit a map
  2. Open the widget “Progress Map Settings”.
  3. Click on the menu “Polylines settings”.
  4. Edit your polylone by clicking on it related group field.
  5. Select the option “Yes” in the field “Clickable”.
  6. To open a link when the user clicks on the polyline. Paste your polyline link in the field “Polyline redirect URL”, then, choose how to open the link in the field “URL target”.
  7. Enter the polyline description in the field “Polyline description”. The description will be displayed inside an infobox when the user hover over the polyline.
  8. Enter the maximum width (in pixels) of the infobox that will contain the polyline description in the field “Infowindow Maximum width”.

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