The infoboxes settings menu contains all possible options that allows you to specify the apperance and behavior of your marker infoboxes. The infobox, also called infowindow is an overlay that looks like a bubble and is often connected to a marker.
- Set the infobox type
- Change the infobox description length
- Change the infobox size
- Choose when to display the infobox
- Display infoboxes by reaching a zoom level
- Add a close button to the infoboxes
- Remove the infobox when the mouse leaves the marker
- Choose how to open the infobox’s link
- Build a custom title from custom fields for the infoboxes
- Build a custom content from custom fields and/or categories for the infoboxes
- Add ellipses (…) at the end of the infoboxes content
- Disable the infoboxes