Updating from v2 to the latest version

Before you update, please be sure to backup your database to ensures that your website can be rolled back quickly and safely if any issues arise!


Watch the Video Tutorial below!
  1. Click here # to see how to update the plugin. Do not use FTP to upload the latest version, you must do it from your website administration!


  1. Click on the menu “Progress Map”.
  2. Double check the settings in “Plugin settings” and be sure the appropriate (custom) post types to use with “Progress Map” are well selected in the field “Post types”.

    Previously in version 2, the settings page under the menu “Progress Map” was for creating the master/main map. That settings page has all the options needed to build a map and to control some of the plugin fonctionalities. Since version 3, almost all the settings has been removed and the ones that remains there are now called “Default … settings”. That means that you can override all the default settings later. The usage of the default settings in the latest version will be limited to the single post maps. They’ll also be used as the default fields options in the “Add new map” page.

    In the latest version, you’ll also notice two new menu items, “All Maps” and “Add New Map”.

  3. Click on the menu “All Maps”, you’ll find a built in map called “Auto generated map based on v2 settings”. This is a map that was created during the update process (This is why you should not use FTP to update to the latest version). This map uses all the settings that you were using in the version 2. Edit this map, double check all the settings, especially the options in “Query settings” and be sure that each option is as it should be, otherwire, edit the option and update your map.
  4. Copy the shortcode in the widget “Map Shortcode”. For example: [cspm_main_map id="1"]
  5. Edit your map page, the page where you use the version 2 shortcode [codespacing_progress_map] and change that shortcode by the new one in step 4, then, update your page.

That’s it!