Change the slider color

If you change the main colors of the plugin, you may need to change the (search form) slider color too. To change the slider color, do the following:

  1. Open the plugin’s folder in your desktop.
  2. Open the image under “codespacing-progress-map/assets/img/rangeSlider/sprite-skin-flat.png” in Photoshop or similar.
  3. Change/edit the image colors and save it in your desktop.
  4. In your website, upload your image to your media library (Media => Add new).
  5. Add the following PHP code in the file “functions.php” of your theme/child theme:
    function cspm_range_slider_img(){
       return '';
    add_filter('cspm_range_slider_img', 'cspm_range_slider_img');
  6. Go back to your media library, open your slider image and copy the image link (the link can be found in the field “URL”).
  7. Go back to your “functions.php” file and change “” with your image URL.

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