If you change the main colors of the plugin, you may need to change the (search form) slider color too. To change the slider color, do the following:
- Open the plugin’s folder in your desktop.
- Open the image under “codespacing-progress-map/assets/img/rangeSlider/sprite-skin-flat.png” in Photoshop or similar.
- Change/edit the image colors and save it in your desktop.
- In your website, upload your image to your media library (Media => Add new).
- Add the following PHP code in the file “functions.php” of your theme/child theme:
function cspm_range_slider_img(){ return 'http://mysite.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/sprite-skin-flat.png'; } add_filter('cspm_range_slider_img', 'cspm_range_slider_img');
- Go back to your media library, open your slider image and copy the image link (the link can be found in the field “URL”).
- Go back to your “functions.php” file and change “http://mysite.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/sprite-skin-flat.png” with your image URL.
In the same context
- Change the order of the top buttons on the map
- Change the order of the left buttons on the map
- Change the modal/pop-up size
- Force to open the modal/pop-up in fullscreen
- Change the main colors of the plugin
- Change the default marker color
- Change the default clusters color
- Change the zoom controls icons
- Customize the map using your custom CSS code