- Installing the plugin
- What to do after installing the plugin?
- First steps
- Getting started (Video)
- Create an API Key & activate the required APIs
- Insert the Google Maps API Key
- Connect the plugin with your (custom) post types
- Connect the plugin with your custom “Latitude” and “Longitude” fields
- Set the Infobox & carousel item links
- Set the default maps center point
- Choose the map language
- Choose the main colors of the map elements
- Use the plugin with WPML
- Set the default map settings
- How to update?
- Creating & displaying a map
- Adding new locations
- Query settings
- Layout settings
- Map settings
- Set the map center point
- Restrict map bounds
- Set the map container background color
- Set the initial zoom level of the map
- Set the Max. & Min. zoom levels of the map
- Zoom the map on double click
- Controlling gesture handling
- Drag the map
- Show the zoom control
- Zooming the map using the mouse scroll wheel
- Extend the map bounds to contain all markers & clusters (Autofit)
- Use a button to recenter the map
- Show to fullscreen control
- Show the map type control
- Show the street view control
- Resize the map controls
- Enable retina display for custom markers & clusters
- Display the traffic Layer
- Display the transit layer
- Display the bicycling Layer
- Map style settings
- Marker settings
- Marker clustering settings
- Marker labels settings
- Marker popups settings
- Marker menu settings
- Markers categories settings
- Infoboxes settings
- Set the infobox type
- Change the infobox description length
- Change the infobox size
- Choose when to display the infobox
- Display infoboxes by reaching a zoom level
- Add a close button to the infoboxes
- Remove the infobox when the mouse leaves the marker
- Choose how to open the infobox’s link
- Build a custom title from custom fields for the infoboxes
- Build a custom content from custom fields and/or categories for the infoboxes
- Add ellipses (…) at the end of the infoboxes content
- Disable the infoboxes
- Geo-targeting settings
- Heatmap layer settings
- KML Layers settings
- OpenStreetMap
- Map Holes settings
- Ground overlays settings
- Polylines settings
- Polygons settings
- Carousel settings
- Show or hide the carousel
- Syncronize the carousel with the viewport of the map
- Connect or detach the carousel and the map
- Hash navigation
- Change the map zoom when clicking an item in the carousel
- Set the carousel mode (LTR/RTL)
- Set the number of items to scroll by in the carousel
- Set the carousel easing effect and animation speed
- Set the carousel to auto scroll mode
- Set the scroll mode of the carousel
- Scroll the carousel using the mouse wheel
- Scroll the carousel using the touch swipe
- Scroll the carousel by targeting markers and infoboxes
- Carousel style
- Carousel items settings
- Set the display view of the items in the crousel
- Show or hide the carousel items images
- Changing the carousel items size
- Show or hide the carousel items link
- Change the text of the carousel items link
- Build a custom title from custom fields for the carousel items
- Set the carousel items title as a link
- Choose how to open the carousel items links
- Build a custom content from custom fields and/or categories for the carousel items
- Add ellipses (…) at the end of the crousel items content
- Faceted search settings
- Build a faceted search to filter posts on the map
- Automatically open the faceted search once the map is loaded
- Filter the posts by selecting one or multiple taxonomy terms
- Automatically select particular terms and filter the map once loaded
- Drag or autofit the map when filtering posts
- Customizing checkboxes and/or radio buttons in the filter
- Change the faceted search button image
- Change the background color of the faceted search
- Search form settings
- Display a search form on the map to find locations within a specific distance of an address
- Automatically open the search form once the map is loaded
- Set the Min. & Max. distance of search
- Set the distance unit (Km/Miles)
- Deactivate the geo-targeting on the search form
- Change the default titles in the search form
- Change the search form button image
- Change the background color of the search form
- Change the search form warning messages
- Draw a circle around the search area
- Resize the circle to refine the search results
- Customizing the circle
- Zooming to countries settings
- Countries search
- Automatically open the countries list once the map is loaded
- Show the country bounds
- Zoom the map to the country center point
- Add search field to countries list
- Change the countries list button image
- Choose the language to use when displaying the countries names
- Show and/or hide the countries flags and/or names
- Choose the countries to use in the search
- Change the display order of the countries in the list
- Nearby points of interest settings
- How does the feature nearby points of interest works?
- Display the list of nearby places on the map
- Automatically open the list of nearby places once the map is loaded
- Choose the Min. & Max. distance of search
- Choose the unit system to use when displaying distance
- Draw a circle around search area
- Resize the circle to get more or less nearby places of interest
- Use custom icons for nearby place types
- Show and/or hide the place types icons and/or names from the place types list
- Choose the nearby place types to use in the search
- Change the display order of the place types in the list
- Autocomplete settings
- Customize
- Change the order of the top buttons on the map
- Change the order of the left buttons on the map
- Change the modal/pop-up size
- Force to open the modal/pop-up in fullscreen
- Change the main colors of the plugin
- Change the slider color
- Change the default marker color
- Change the default clusters color
- Change the zoom controls icons
- Customize the map using your custom CSS code
- Posts Count Settings
- Translation
- Troubleshooting
- Regenerate markers
- Enabling WordPress Debugging
- Enabling the plugin debug mode
- Disabling Stylesheets & Scripts
- Fix the issue of small featured images
- Fix the issue of infobox and carousel items content that is displayed as shortcodes
- Fix the issue where settings cannot be saved
- Issue: Setting 0 daily quota override disables Maps API on project
- Single post maps
- Shortcodes
- Tutorials
- Open the single post page inside a modal
- Center the map on a specific marker when the page loads and trigger the marker’s event
- Programmatically change single map language based on the URL’s language attribute
- Synchronize the ACF map field with the map fields in “Progress Map”
- Set the zIndex of a specific marker
- Replace/override your map query settings to showcase diverse locations on any page
- Show locations based on a keyword search
- Display “Progress Map” metabox on “Envira Gallery” add/edit page
- How to add custom class names to the infoboxes
- How to add “Read More” link to the infobox content
- Programmatically change the content of the carousel items
- Programmatically change the content of the infobox
- Programmatically change the title of the infobox
- Make the plugin GDPR/DSGVO compliance
- Trigger marker events
- Center the map on a specific marker on page load
- Open the locations/posts “Nearby places” map inside a modal
- Redirect to the single post on marker click
- Insert a map inside a taxonomy page and display locations based on the current taxonomy term
- Use marker popups to display the post ID
- Change the text of the button “Toggle Carousel”
- Use the StreetView image as the carousel items image
- Hide the Points of Interest from the map
- Import/Export your maps between WordPress websites
- Import/Export your map locations between WordPress websites