Specify the content of the marker popups

Marker popups can be used to display an info about your map locations. The following will show you all available possibilities to specify the popups content.

1 – Use a “custom field” as the popups content

  1. Edit your map.
  2. Click on the menu “Marker popups settings”.
  3. In the field “Content type” select the option “Custom fields”.
  4. In the field “Custom field name”, enter the custom field name.

2 – Use one “taxonomy term” as the popups content

This will allow you to display only the first term on the terms list!

  1. Edit your map.
  2. Click on the menu “Marker popups settings”.
  3. In the field “Content type” select the option “One taxonomy term”.
  4. In the field “Taxonomies”, select a taxonomy.

3 – Use multiple “taxonomy terms” as the popups content

This will allow you to display all terms, seperated by comma!

  1. Edit your map.
  2. Click on the menu “Marker popups settings”.
  3. In the field “Content type” select the option “All taxonomy terms”.
  4. In the field “Taxonomies”, select a taxonomy.

4 – Use a “custom field” to display 

This will allow you to calculate the 5 stars rating based on a custom field. Please note that the value of the custom field must be a number from 0 to 5. Here’s how the plugin calculates the stars rating:

  • 0 = no star.
  • 1 = one star.
  • 2 = two stars.
  • 3 = three stars.
  • 4 = four stars and
  • 5 = five stars. Any value above 5 will be considered as 5 stars.
  1. Edit your map.
  2. Click on the menu “Marker popups settings”.
  3. In the field “Content type” select the option “5 stars rating (Saved as custom field).
  4. In the field “Custom field name”, enter the custom field name.

5 – Use a “taxonomy term” to display 

This will allow you to calculate the 5 stars rating based on a taxonomy term. Please note that the value of the term must be a number from 0 to 5. Here’s how the plugin calculates the stars rating:

  • 0 = no star.
  • 1 = one star.
  • 2 = two stars.
  • 3 = three stars.
  • 4 = four stars and
  • 5 = five stars. Any value above 5 will be considered as 5 stars.
  1. Edit your map.
  2. Click on the menu “Marker popups settings”.
  3. In the field “Content type” select the option “5 stars rating (Saved as taxonomy term).
  4. In the field “Taxonomies”, select a taxonomy.

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