To change the area/polygon colors and opacity, do the following:
- Edit your map
- Scroll down to the widget “Draw a Search Settings” and click on the menu “Draw a map search”.
- To change the style used when starting to add new polygons to the map, click on the group field “Add New” Polygon style and change in the settings available inside the group field.
- To change the style used when when starting to edit existing polygons, click on the group field “Edit” Polygon style and change in the settings available inside the group field.
- To change the style used when statring to delete polygons from the map, click on the group field “Delete” Polygon style and change in the settings available inside the group field.
- To change the style used when highlighting an existing polygon on the map, click on the group field “Highlight” Polygon style and change in the settings available inside the group field.